“How can they not care about my hard work…?”
"Does this client not know how hard I worked for them? I spent countless hours keeping this deal together and they “changed their mind”? They had the nerve, after all my hard work to go and work with someone else after I did most of the work for the person who replaced me. How could they not understand all the time I sacrificed on their behalf? Do they just not care?!" Basically… We expect our effort, our sweat, and our time to count for something. The reality is your time and your effort will never mean as much to other people as it means to you. When it comes to legwork, and the physical labor of your work, no one (other than yourself) is going to understand the sacrifice. Remember the saying that lasted a really long time: “Don’t work hard! Work Smart!” You could pick in the past. You could make a decent living working really hard or working really smart. In the past. People have endless choices for who they can work with today. That is ...