The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Wait a minute... Maybe it isn't falling. We all over react from time to time. No one can escape overacting all the time. Not you. Not me. Clearly not Chicken Little... Chicken Little assumed the worst case scenario as soon as something hit him in the head. We would like to think we have it a little more together than him. We would like to think that we only emotionally jump to conclusions and overreact when something can realistically endanger the important things. The things that we care about the most. Like our family and our job security. It is human nature to react sometimes instead of taking a moment to think and respond. Or is it? What if overreacting were merely a bad habit? Just a learned response from a situation that has come and gone. Sure habits are a challenge to get out of... but maybe it would be a really good idea to accept the challenge. Instead of immediately responding to a harsh email, lets wait a few minutes. Instead...