
Showing posts from April 23, 2015

The secret art of persuasion.

There is an art to getting through to people. The highest form of that art is getting through to a person without overpowering them. Overpowering a person means scaring them into agreement. Giving ultimatums.   Using deception tactics.   Or bragging to the point they where they start to belittle themselves if they don’t pick you. There is zero talent in convincing a person you are right when you use any of the above methods. Zero talent is anything that uses fear to persuade. You do not want that brand name. Every time you set out to persuade someone else you should start with the end in mind. The end = a person changing their own mind because it is in their own best interest.   It is in their best interest. You do not matter. Now—do you matter to me?  Of course you do.  Do you matter to you? Of course. You just should not be the leading character in another person's story.   Try and always remember that persuading ...