Uber- The New Human Nature
Poor treatment of people is an everyone problem. Our on-demand lifestyle has developed an unintended negative shift in society. The very products and software designed to bring us together have been used desensitized us on a subconscious level. Let us not forget that these platforms and products are just tools. We can use the same tools to bring the connection back. How to bring the human I-Thou connection back: Uber was started with so much character. Regular people, driving regular people. How quickly we separate ourselves. On a recent trip to Manhattan, I Ubered everywhere. Everyone does. After my third ride with an Uber driver, I decided to comment on the energy I was picking up. The Uber driver seems scared. I started the conversation by saying I think there is a problem with how Uber drivers are treated. A confused look came onto Miguel (the Uber drivers face) A face that asked-- why would you care?...