
Showing posts from August 25, 2015

Wisdom from Taylor Swift...

In 2008 I would not have guessed I would quote Taylor Swift for the purpose of talking about worldly wisdom.     Like most Americans, I spent most of 2008 feeling forced to hear her song "Love Story" any time I was anywhere with speakers.    Flash forward 7 years, and I am a new fan of Taylor Swift... the person .   She said something in an interview that got my attention. She said…  "It is a human instinct to try and defend yourself when people have a certain impression of you... but that's not as important as what you want to accomplish."  Such a simple statement and yet something we all spend far too much time getting backwards. We want people to know so quickly that we are the kind of person to work with, listen to, and want to be around.   We want people to know this about us as clearly as we know this about ourselves. When we think about the impressions we want to make we have far too mu...