
Showing posts from June 3, 2015

"The ______ Trait" -Can you guess what I am?

I am arguably the main reason when you get knocked down…you will not stay down. I am elastic. I have the capacity to help you recover from difficulties. And once I recover you… I come back even stronger to support you. I do not let failure overcome me. I regulate your emotions. I exist only to provide you with clarity. I will not let you quit. Even after misfortune, I will show you how to soldier on. I can change the course of your future. I can show you how to adapt to abrupt changes. Adversity is something I expect from life, and am unafraid of. I accept that fear is a part of life, and will help you face your fears. I will help you build skill to get you through hardships. Once you make me a part of your life I will not leave you. I will take the pain out of loss and turn it into motivation to win. I am your most supportive habit. My goal is for you to persevere. I will be your hero if you will be a champion of my cause...