Balance to Build
Balance Once you start performing well... The recruiters come out. For those of us in sales, they seem to come in droves and most are shameless. They throw their best and highest offer at you even if it means interrupting your day. Frustrating as that may be can you blame them? Here is the thing... Their best offer may not be anywhere close to what you really need. So.... When they come you should their advances as both a compliment and a tell tale sign you have surpassed industry average preformance . That realization should be empowering. If you do decide to entertain their pitches as to why you should jump on their bandwagon I encourage you to think before you jump. The first thing a company tends to offer an agent is a higher commission split. This is tempting but the reality is... A higher commission split does not necessarily mean more money. Why? Two rules: #1. Because everything in life weighs itself out. #2. Ev...