
Showing posts from June 21, 2017

Burn Your Ships

The Vikings did... They set their ships on fire and burned them to the ground. The Vikings were known for conquering. Sometimes (ok all the time) things got very brutal in the process. Let's not go into detail on the pillaging. I want to tell you a story about ships is vitally important to your success today... The Viking longships were the first of their kind. While other explorers dared not cross the open ocean and lose sight of the shore, the Vikings sailed across the open dangerous waters into the unknown. Their ships were long, narrow and graceful.  They were nearly perfect in design and they got the Viking to their pillaging destinations time and again.  As soon as they landed, the Vikings did the unthinkable! They burned their ships. That's right they burned their only hope of ever leaving the unknown lands they landed on. This setting ablaze did two things... #1 it sent a message for miles that they had arrived and had burned ...