
Showing posts from October 20, 2015

The known, the unknown, and the unknowable.

There are three categories all answers will fall under... An answer that is known. An answer that is unknown. An answer that is unknowable. Known means we have the capacity to know and we do know. Unknown means we have the capacity to know, we just do not know yet. And unknowable are the answers that are not within our capacity to understand. Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. Your true worth is just unknown to them. Your value does not decrease based on what you think you are worth. Your worth may appear unknown to you during trying times, or when you are feeling unsure... Otherwise known as feeling human. Doubt is a human only quality. That is known. You are one of a kind. That is a known. There is no other person who can offer what you offer the world in the same way you can. That is a known. As to deeper issues... When you consider the answer to what your purpose is. You wont find it by sitting still and pondering. If...