Dear Self,
(self-talk is important. On your road to being great at communication don't forget to acknowledge yourself too!) Dear Self, You don't have to worry about someone "taking our place". As long as we keep welcoming challenges and looking for problems to solve we almost can't go wrong. There are not many other people willing to do that. You are a hero for always trying to improve yourself. Don't compare us to other people. Compare us to our-self and how much we learned and grew since last year. In fact take it easy on us from time to time! No one is perfect. We can't control everything ALL the time. Let's stick to us being the change we want to see in our field and in our world. We can control that. I know our best is good enough. I think the trick is sticking to what we are best at and surrounding ourselves with people who can help us with the rest. Stop talking about how "we are not getting any younger" Who is ?! I know, I know......