
Showing posts from June 19, 2015

Getting comfortable with resolving conflicts.

First... Forget what you thought resolving conflict should sound like. Conflicts do not have to be confrontational. Some of you are thinking: “Ha! But you do not know how he is!...he always thinks he is right.” I do know. I know because he is always the person we want to avoid having a conflict with because we know he is never open to hearing anyone's opinion… Just because there is a difference of opinion does not mean the conversation has to be one person versus the other. Even if you are dealing with an individual who has always made you feel like it is always their opinion that counts most… And I know conversations with those people have always gone the same way.   There is always this feeling you are left with that they are in disbelief you could think your way on the topic and not see it their way. To the point you now avoid conversations about a conflict with them completely. What if you did not have to necessarily go against their t...