
Showing posts from April 11, 2015

Gratitude and Gravity...

Gratitude and gravity have a few things common. Both hold you to things other than yourself. Both will keep you grounded. Being grounded helps you remain humble. To be humble is an admission. That your success is due in part to more than you alone. Including the people you serve and work with. The people who see you as a partner and trust you. Having expectations for outcomes is fine. It is hard to reach your full potential without a positive attitude and goals. But don’t confuse expectations with rights…or feelings of being owed something just because you expected it. Problems arise when your expectations require sacrificing your virtues. Tarnishing the brand that is you. Bending in your virtues runs the risk of losing clarity of who you need be in business. The customer. Winning should never get in the way of what your client needs. That goes for winning an argument. Winning should not be a goal. Creating a win-win situation for a deal to ...