Follow Your Gut: The real reason why you can trust a "gut feeling"
“A gut feeling is instinctual.” It is either good or bad. That is often as deep as the explanation goes. We are going to go further so you can trust yourself even more… When you feel something in the pit of your stomach that is your bodies reaction to a stimuli that reminds you of everything you have come to know thus far in your life. All in a fraction of a second…whew! Everything that has ever happened to you has been stored in the Cortical Networks of your brain. And your brain sends a message to your stomach. The head makes decisions about a situation, and prompts you to pay attention. But the head is smart (redundant I know) The head is so smart it knows that it will out think itself I it doesn’t enlist help from the part of you incapable of doubt… And with your best interest in mind, the brain sends a command out. To your gut. By sending the memory related information to your stomach. Figuratively conceptualized as ...