Passive Aggression: "I won't get mad...I'll just get even"
Passive aggression is sugar-coated anger.
It is a cover up.
A sneak attack.
A covert way of getting
someone back.
Some people turn it into a behavioral art form they become
so good at it.
But passive aggression is a no-win power struggle.
A no-win means no productivity, and there is usually some
form of pain involved.
Passive aggressive people satisfy their own anger by pushing
another person to publicly displaying anger.
It is nothing more than a coping mechanism.
Displaced anger stemmed from a long time of being directly
Before you label a colleague, client or partner as passive
aggressive and throw your hands up feeding the negativity with more negativity…
Try assertive communication.
Call a spade a spade.
Talk about the elephant in the room, and resist any urge to
do this with sarcasm—passive aggression’s evil twin.
The reality is that a person who is passive aggressive is
not being heard and acknowledged like they deserve by someone in their life.
They may never admit
But it hurts them.
They may never feel like they can say what they want to say
in the moment.
And eventually, all that bottling up becomes too much.
They tried being heard and were ignored.
Again…and again…and again.
A person can only take so much; so one day they stop asking
for people to listen.
They make people listen by taking their cooperation
Although this may be frustrating, talk to them.
Talk to them assertively.
Make it known that you want to make a collaborative effort
to achieve the same goal.
Above all, mean it when you say it.
Be willing to connect on a genuine level.
The situation won't get worse if you try this approach.
It might even get better.
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