Reverse Prospecting.

What if you thought about prospecting as giving away free advice?
If you are an expert in your field then what you have to say on that topic is valuable.
That is all Lawyers do.
They talk about the topic they know best (law) and people consider that a valuable service.
People also pay significant amounts of money to get a Lawyers advice.
What if one day you got free legal advice from a Lawyer who never attempted to sell you her services?
All that schooling, expertise and time invested…and they give it to you free of charge.
The Lawyer never tries to sell you her service.
The only reason what she does for a living even came up is because you were two strangers that knew nothing about each other.
A conversation started because your paths crossed and she asks what line of work you were in.
You…she asks about you.
She showed genuine interest in you, just because.
You in return ask what she did for a living.
You happen to mention a situation/comment that relates to her line of work.
You were the one who ask her further questions.
The two of you part ways.
Id bet the next time you needed a Lawyer you would likely call the one who gave you good advice at no charge. 
In fact, the next time anyone you knew needed a Lawyer you would likely refer him or her to this Lawyer. 
The Lawyer you bumped into never tried to sell you anything, but she did.
She never told you how much she charges per hour because she won’t have to.
You will still likely do business with her.
You liked her. 
She happens to be a Lawyer.
She also happens to get most of her clients that way. 
She starts all of the conversations she has with strangers 100 percent interested in them. 
She comes up in the conversation because it’s the natural path of having a conversation.
It is that easy for her.
She doesn't interrupt people because they are her topic. 
Not her.
Most people are more than willing to make time to talk about themselves.
It is instinctual.

(Now lets substitute Lawyer with Realtor to make a point)               Please feel free to substitute in your respective title whatever it may be : )

What if one day A Prospect got a valuable piece of information from a Realtor who never attempted to sell them her services?
All that schooling, expertise, time invested and they give information to A Prospect free of charge.
The Realtor never tries to sell The Prospect her service.
The only reason what The Realtor does for a living comes up is because she and The Prospect were two strangers.
The two didn't know each other yet.
A conversation started because their paths crossed and The Realtor asks what line of work The Prospect was in.
She showed genuine interest in The Prospect, just because.
The Realtor focused on The Prospects story.
The Prospect in return asks what The Realtor does for a living.
The Prospect happens to mention a situation/comment that relates to her line of work.
The Prospect was the one who was asking further questions.
The Prospect was doing all the prospecting…
The two part ways.
Id bet the next time The Prospect needed a Realtor

I think you get the point. 

Just because you might be the one selling your services doesn’t mean it has to feel like that.  There is more than one way to tell a story.
You don't always have to be the one telling it. 
That is why conversations are better than pitches.
Everyone participates in the sale.
The Prospect never feels like they were sold or convinced of anything.
And they weren't.


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