Career Strategies: Finding your "way"
It is a personal journey.
Finding a strategy we can live with.
There are two schools of thought when deciding on a way to build
a self-propelled career.
One Way is to set
easily obtainable goals.
In theory, minimizing
the risk of burning out and/or failing.
This Way of thinking
feels safe and more controlled.
It is a strategy that many people feel more confident about.
A strategy that means settling for less because they would be
too uncomfortable going for more.
Going for more "just doesn't seem responsible" in this
school of thought.
There is nothing wrong
with wanting to feel comfortable.
I just believe you are capable of so much more than what
"comfortable" has to offer.
Also, feeling comfortable does not always ensure safety.
The second Way is to
set your goals higher than what makes you comfortable.
The second path is more of a gamble because you may never reach
the altitude you set for yourself.
But consider this...
All ambitious goal are a gamble.
That is why the upside is far above average.
Most people look at setting lofty goals as careless.
Maybe they are not considering a valuable perspective.
That when you set your goals higher than the rest and you fall
Where you land is still higher than where most people set their
initial goal.
Yes there will be more risk of feeling doubt and having fear of
Doubt and fear are the two main dream oppressors we all face
when we decide what we will set out to accomplish.
Fear will even helped you justify settling for lesser success.
It will promise you that it will reward you down the line by
heeding its warning.
It will do a lot of "see I told you so" talking.
Pointing out the consequences others have experienced by being
too ambitious.
Fear likes control and will always prevent you from pulling the
bow back far enough to reach the ultimate distance your arrow can actually go.
Fear is a strategy.
But being fearless is equally as controllable.
You just have to make it a habit to push yourself.
It is equally a strategy you can apply to every facet of your
Repeatable and present in everything you do.
To know "one way"... and know it so well that it is
"how you are".
These are the decisions that define us.
Neither way is better than the other.
However, one has far fewer travelers on the path.
"The principal of strategy is having one thing, to know ten
thousand things. These things can not be explained in detail. From one thing,
know ten thousand things. When you attain the Way of strategy there will not be
one thing you cannot see. "-Miyamoto Musashi, A book of five rigs.
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