Where to find your Grit...
Grit is something you can
recognize as present in a persons personality.
They are resilient people—the Gritty.
Embodying both perseverance
and passion.
Never let failure win in
any permanent way.
These people having the
mental fortitude to get back up after repeatedly being knocked down.
To possess Grit means to be both tenacious and
If Grit had a slogan it would be: “hard work can beat talent”.
Grit is
considered one of the personality traits found amongst the most successful
Psychology is usually helpful
in telling us about human behavior.
But Grit is considered a non-cognitive trait by most accounts.
So we do not know where Grit comes from.
Not knowing where something
comes from makes it hard to reproduce.
Luckily, I do not think we
need to.
I look at Grit as if it is a gene.
Something that is in our
genetic code.
That “Grit” is not something we have to figure out how to create…
Because it is already there.
Something that lays waiting
in our genetic code to be awakened if
we are a carrier.
And I believe we are all
Grit is in
It is doing one of two
Driving you or waiting on you
to wake it up.
So how do you wake it up?
I think it is different for
But you will know and
everyone else will notice.
(Could feel like one or more
of the following…)
You wake up your Grit when…
you stop having a limited
vision of yourself.
you live your life by your
you go out an fill your own
work schedule.
you stop asking when it will
be your turn and take your turn.
you stop letting self-doubt
you start running your
business like someone is out there trying to put you out of business 24 hours a
you stop letting fear
paralyze you.
you are at the worst place in
your life and you decide “this right now”
is not good enough for you.
you make yourself dress up and show up.
you are done and you STILL get up and go prospect again.
you make yourself do any and everything you can, then do more.
you see every setback as a
temporary setback.
you fail over and over and over
and never stop trying.
you embrace your Grit constantly until it is just who you
You wake up your Grit when you decide you will continue
going through any struggle to reach your goals.
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