Connection causes change

Connection causes change...

You will change every person you interact with.

The question is:

How will they change and to what degree will they change?

Alexander Graham Bell turned distant pen palls into no longer isolated friends with the invention of the telephone.

Thomas Edison turned candle people into lamp people.

So, do not mistake your clients as just clients.

Nor your acquaintances as only acquaintances.

These individuals will become the impact you make on them.

An acquaintance becomes someone different when you connect with them.

The question again…

How do they change from the connection?

Your success is dependent on the nature of that change.

Weather you disappoint someone or you surprise them with satisfaction…

The impressions you make on people will set the tone of their future interactions.

And the stories they tell about you.

These people can become your advocate or your enemy.

They can be the reason other people search for you.

They can be the reason other people avoid you.

Through every problem you solve and each life you touch…

You are changing people.

By connecting with them.

Acknowledgement allows you to ensure the connections you make…

Matter in a positive way.

By reaching into the source of the problem.

A source that always lies beneath another persons skin.

Where all bad experiences wait…



Acknowledgement is the remodeling of bad experiences.

It is reconstruction.

The removal of the duct tape attempts of those who came before you.

Patiently remember…

The person before you failed the person in front of you.

Leaving this disappointed person…

In your hands to change. 

Someone that can become more than a client…

If you take the time to permanently change their story for the better.


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